1. Bring a hot dish of food to class for your classmates to eat.
2. Borrow you friends dog.
3. Un relentlessly try to teach your name to your friends baby who is learning to talk.
4. Make a crazy water fall system with half cut PBC pipes for when it rains.
Blog Archive
- Fish flavor
- Food Junkies
- Do you have the time... to listen to my ideas... a...
- Trevor
- Blow Up Job
- it was ok...
- Im tired
- Send me money
- Yog - Art
- My fingers are crossed.
- Keep it clean
- Im sick
- This should count for 5....
- Tie a Go Pro to a balloon.
- Your wife told me I was cute...
- Happy Birthday Andrew!
- We have no idea what we are doing.
- Ideas in your Mind
- Ain't Shit (forgot yesterday but i didn't forget)
- Uhhhh
- Movie Ideas
- Imply
- Ignore me.
- 3 days of ideas.
- No exceptions
- Two Days ago:
- Tobasco
- Too hot.