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1. Put fungus in a little tube so when it breaks it starts a little baby life form. Make it be able to last extremely long time. Shoot 1 billion of the tubes in different directions in to space. Maybe a few will someday land on a planet that can support life. You may be the creator of a life form on some other planet billions of year in the future.

2. Put one of those tube things they have at the bank in the ocean that will span from to USA to a drug farm in another country. Shoot tubes full of illegal drugs to the US with no one knowing.

3.  Make a newspaper but the writers are submit articles from an open source like Wikipedia does. Print the paper and distribute peoples articles all over. Anyone can submit articles.

4. Make a band with your family. Mom, Dad, Brother Sister.

5. Make a Improvisation group called ' If your going to play deaf don't stop listening. '

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