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Brain pattern

1. Race rolling oranges down a hill with a few friends.

2. Pour a line of gas down a street then light it.

3. Spray paint the  words 'WRONG WAY' on the side walk.

4. Take a pic of you knocking on your friends door. Print the pic on a white paper with space to write a note. Write  "I stopped by your house but you were not home".

5. Sept 6 1916 Piggly Wiggly Opened its first store.


Deep Pockets

1. Buy a disposable camera, take pictures,  dig a hole and put the camera in it. Make sure it is inside something water proof.

2. Bike to the city to you north. Don't plan it until you leave.\

3. Elope to another country with someone you hardly know.

4. When you feel really sad or hurt take a shower and think about how nice it is to feel warm and safe.

5. Buy a cell phone that people you dont know can call and just talk to you when they need to talk to someone.



1. Make advertisements for companies without asking. Make a whole youtube channel.

2. Collect all your friends ole ID's

3. Instead of going to college, pay the same amount to travel around the world.

4. Try to walk to the corner store with your eyes closed.

5. Dye your lawn blue.

Skype your Psyche

1. Smoke green weed on St. Patrick's day

2. Skype your Psyche

3. Staple your nuts to the table.

4. Don't do number 3

5. Legally change your name to something like Woodie Allan (instead of Woody Allen) make a book or a movie. People will buy it thinking its made by famous one.


1. Throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many people get wasted.

2. Prime Time TV show where Astronauts have a dance party on the moon.

3. Act insane on the phone every 5th call.

4. Make pasta sauce with pre-cooked seasoned chicken from the co-op.

5. 3D ART



1. Dress up like a troll and hide out under a bridge. Pop out when people pass by and ask for the toll. Film it and put dat shit on YouTube. 

2. Go to ROBKS.COM

3. Hide ideas written on paper in hiding spots all around the city. 

4. Idea playing cards

5. Idea Mugs 

*idea 1by  Jill H



1. Improvise a bedtime story for the person you love. You may loose sight of what will happen in your next sentence. It is your story but not even you will know how it ends. 

2. Go to Starbucks and bring a pot of coffee to give to people for free while they wait in line.

3. Mixed drink stir stick Popsicle

4. Take your life savings in cash and paste all of the bills on the side walk.

5. Retractable blankets in couch or bed.   



1. Red Box type machine that vends books to rent.

2. Soda can vending machine that vends fake soda cans filled with weed.

3. Art vending machine.

4. At grocery store paint the eggs funny colors with out telling any one.

5. Bring your own product in to a store and hang it up with a price tag then leave without telling the people that run the store. 


Little Bo Peep

1. A really boring show called 'THE BORING SHOW"

2. Hard candy sold in stores called "MAN CANDY"

3. Difficult cake mix with 30 plus steps

4. A whole country full of only OLD MEN

5. Green ketchup 



1. Teeth paint

2. Glow in the dark tooth brush

3. Glow in the dark tooth paste.

4. Nice people

5. Travel club that goes somewhere new every year.


Naked lunch

1. Naked lunch with the president.

3. Skip a number when your writing a list of five things and see if any one notices.

4. Make calenders that cut off the last day in march so people think it is April Fools day when it really isnt.

5. Mix tea and coffee.



1. Pick a theme song for your life

2. Make a movie about you trying to talk to extremely beautiful woman that are 'way out of your league'.

3. Dance Dance revolution coffee shop!

4. Wear clothes that are colored same a as your skin color.

5. Be OK with it. Its all good anyway.


Craigs list

Posting Title:

Specific Location:

Reply to:

Posting Description:  




1. April fools send your friend a fake acceptance letter to Yale (or any college).

2. Have a three sum

3. Subscribe to a news source email. Most the time you will delete the emails but once and a while you might learn something.

4. Make a pee garden with plants that grow better with pee.

5. Have a naked day every week, do it with a boy/girl friend!
'naked day is the only way'



1. Walk from sun up, to sun down. See how far you get. Have your friend pick you up.

2. Take a week vacation by just camping in your yard and taking off work.

3. Walk backwards for a day.

4. Make a knocking code language written on paper then slide it under your apartment neighbor door and see if they try to communicate.

5. Egg slip and slide.



1. Do what ever you have been thinking you should do but for some reason haven't.

2. Sock puppet late night talk show on YouTube.

3. Make a goose bumps choose your own adventure you tube movie adventure

4. Remote control cat nip robot.

5. Call 651-600-4142 if you need an idea at any point during your day. 24 HOUR IDEA HOTLINE (i might not answer if in the middle of the woods or something)


MAGIC BEARS (don't feed them)

1. Dig a deep ish hole in your back yard and blow stuff up in it.

2. Make a really thick shirt that looks thin. Put a small layer of rubber cement on the back. Light the wet rubber cement on fire.

3. Whiskey bottle full of gas, put cap on, drill hole in cap put fuse through the drilled hole.

4. Cut off all the tips to strike anywhere matches. Cut a slit in a tennis ball. Stuff the match tips through the slit till the ball is full. The ball will blow up when it hits the ground when you throw it.

5. Car tires filled with dirt of little rocks for out door stairs.



1. Zip line over lava flow and active volcano.

2. Lava canoe

3. Sell bottled hardened lava.

4. Open a Hot Dog store in your house, only open when you want to be.

5. For a store that is only open sometimes: Post if your open or not on FB.


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